Second Confession Stories

Your stories are sacred.

Your story can inspire others as they journey towards their second confession. Consider sharing your story … and find encouragement as you read how others went from unbelief and skepticism to accepting and embracing the Bible as God’s Word.


I grew up believing the Bible is necessary for spiritual growth but it wasn’t until studying scripture in community that convicted me that the Bible is God’s word. Digging into the Bible communally helped me to understand the truths of God’s words that I could not have grasped on my own — one being, the Bible is not to be informed but transformed to the image of Christ.


Chris worked construction many years ago, so he was an early riser. He befriended a Christian who challenged him to keep his morning routine the same with one exception: put his Bible next to the coffeemaker. So Chris woke up at 4:30am as usual, showered, got dressed, and then headed to the coffee machine. And he read God’s Word for two minutes as he drank his morning brew. Those two minutes generally turned out to include about ten to fifteen verses. His friend then challenged him to change one additional thing: don’t turn on the radio on the drive to work, but think about and talk to God about what he read. Within months Chris fell in love with the Scriptures, and his love for Jesus and his Word continue to inspire many.

From Light of the Word

It seems crazy to say, but when my faith clicked and I became a believer in seventh grade I never really questioned whether or not the Bible was the word of God. Perhaps too simplistic and naive, but I think my belief was only solidified overtime from experience, interacting with the Word, various books/resources,and cross referencing, but there was never a moment when I doubted or questioned and then believed.

Jenny O.

I don’t know how many people actually think about or question if the Bible really is God’s Word. When the question “When did you come to believe that the Bible is God’s Word” was asked, I had to stop and ask myself “Oh wow, did I ever really question the Bible before?” I am a very logical person; everything has to have proof and needs to make sense for me to believe something and that’s been the biggest obstacle for me in knowing God. Our God, who knows me so well, “gifted” me with His grace and miracle to “walk by faith and not by sight,” and I simply believed that the Bible is “God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” I don’t know how many books out there in the world can give you a different meaning and touch you in different ways every time you read it other than the Bible. The Bible is God’s Word because it disciplines me, makes me a better person, makes me cry and laugh, reminds me that I’m worthy, and fills me with much joy. This is how I know that the Bible is His Word.”


I’ve been going to church for a few years and despite all I read in the Bible and heard about God, I just couldn’t believe that I could be forgiven and be worthy of His salvation. I prayed the prayer of forgiveness so many times but the guilt of my sins and unworthiness never lifted…until that summer at my church retreat in my sophomore year in high school. I cried out to God…again asked for forgiveness and how tired I am of my unbelief. Holy Spirit opened my eyes and heart to the truth this time. I remembered these verses and they came alive – “Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.” (Micah‬ ‭7‬:‭18‬-‭19‬). ‭Depths of the sea…I knew and believed…and I finally experienced freedom.


God convicted my heart shortly after I became a Christian that the Bible is 100% God breathed. His Word has pierced my heart with the truth of His love for me. I’m beyond grateful for His Word to guide my steps to follow and love Him. Praise Jesus!

Cari H.

When I became a Christian, I didn’t know my left from my right. I started reading the Bible (because I figured that is what Christians ought to do) but it felt foreign and incomprehensible. I didn’t know about translations at the time and I struggled to connect with the language of the KJV. During that season, a friend gifted me a new bible which was a different translation. It made all the difference for where I was in my faith journey. The Bible came alive and started to speak to me. At first it was scary. I distinctly remember reading Genesis and not only grasping the story but identifying with eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A holy fear rattled me. But the Bible also spoke words of comfort to me as well, “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Ever since, the Spirit has given me a hunger to read, study, and digest the Word. It is a hunger that has not been quenched. Because the Word is alive and active and brings us into the very presence of God.
