Welcome to the Second Confession ...

My Story

I fell in love with Jesus at the age of 17, but many years passed before I truly accepted the whole Bible as the Word of God. When the Lord opened my heart to His love, I called that my first confession. And when He opened my mind to the truth and beauty of the Scriptures, I called that my second confession.

The Second Confession is a ministry born from this desire to connect both Scripture and salvation.

Susan C. Lim

Book & Devotionals

My passion to help people discover the intersection between Scripture and salvation led me to write Light of the Word and these devotionals. I pray that these resources provide light for your journey.

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Second Confession Stories

I grew up believing the Bible is necessary for spiritual growth but it wasn’t until studying scripture in community that convicted me that the Bible is God’s word. Digging into the Bible communally helped me to understand the truths of God’s words that I could not have grasped on my own — one being, the Bible is not to be informed but transformed to the image of Christ.
